Management in the Healthcare Area


The course includes principles and mechanisms of organizing and planning the work and methods of management, evaluation, monitoring, follow-up and analysis in health sector and assessing the needs and possibilities to achieve the best performance for individuals and groups with an overview for the student about the health system, health care policy and ways to provide the medical service. It also contains the basic principles of working patterns and analysis from the point of view of occupational therapy with a presentation of the most important occupational diseases and injuries during work. The course includes work ethics with a definition of the legal and ethical challenges associated with work in the medical field and systems dealing with medical fraud and impropriety, negligence and other. The course also addresses the principles of the guide's practice by combining clinical expertise with Epidemiology and Statistics and methods of choosing a highly qualified scientific guide to adopt health care decisions with the best available evidence of the effectiveness and feasibility of treatment. The course contains basic statistic epidemiological fundamentals that allow students to deal with concepts such as sampling, distribution, statistical measurements, analysis of results and data and comparison.

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