The course contains basic techniques in modeling and simulation of continuous dynamic systems, which are box diagram models, transformation function and state space, and their simulation using Matlab Simulink, and their applications in modeling and simulation of mechanical withdrawal and rotation systems, electrical circuits, and DC motors. Modeling using inverse Laplace transforms with applications using Matlab, modeling signals with applications using Simulink, temporal analysis of first-order systems and second-order systems, control systems and their simulation using Matlab Simulunk, and techniques for transforming between dynamic models of different orders with applications Using MATLAB, Automated Mechanisms Modeling Techniques with Applications Using MATLAB Simulink, Mathematical Analytical and Numerical Techniques in Matching Dynamical Systems, Matching Methodologies, Finite Difference Model Matching, Analysis of Systems Responses, Modeling and Simulation of the Observer Method, and Forecasting Multiple outputs, and the Markov method
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