Engineering Mechanics

This course aims to identify the basic concepts in engineering mechanics, the concept of a material point, a solid body, Newton's first, second and third laws, the law of parts, and then knowing the concepts of scalar and radial quantities and operations on rays (ray addition, ray subtraction, and scalar product The radial product, the mixed product, the analysis of forces in the Cartesian plane, the analysis on three axes that are not in one plane, the orthogonal coordinates in the space, the right-hand rule, the methods of finding the ray of force and the projection of a ray on a specific holder or ray, then identifying the equilibrium of the material point and the conditions of equilibrium of the material point Drawing a free-body diagram, finding reactions for supports, springs, and pulleys, identifying the collection of systems of forces and moments, finding torque about a double axis and torque, the concept of transferring a force to its holder, transferring a force to a point that is not on its bearer, identifying the collection of a force and torque to a single force, and finding The result of distributed loads, then studying the balance of the rigid body, the static balance equations, the free body diagram, the balance of a body under the influence of two forces and under the influence of three forces, and the study of pulleys and two Balance structures and machines and then study the equilibrium of a rigid body in a vacuum and also identify the beams and lattice structures and the method of separating knots and the method of cutting the structure and then studying the spatial lattice structures and this course also aims to study friction and Coulomb's law in dry friction and to identify the angle of friction and the angle of stability and friction in spirals And flat belts, wheels and rolling resistance, then study the geometric properties of flat surfaces, such as the center of gravity of the surface, the moment of inertia of the section, the moment of inertia of some famous surfaces, the moments of inertia with respect to inclined axes, the main moments of inertia, and the Moore circle in inertia.

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