Academic Warnings

The university issues academic warnings following the semester after registration for students whose average is below /2/.

Students should cancel the warning by raising the average to /2/ in a maximum of two semesters from the date of the warning otherwise, they would be in an academic remediation period.

A student who is dismissed because of low average is accepted in academic remediation period:

1. If the average is not less than /5/, a student is given four semesters to enhance this average to /2/ and is expelled upon failing to do so.

2. Is the average is between /1 – 1.49/ a student is given one semester to enhance that average to /1.5/ and when successful, a student is given three semesters to enhance the average to /2/ points. Failing to do so results in dismissal from the specialty.

3. A student accepted in academic remediation period loses the right to change the specialty.

The student whose average is less than /1/ in any of the semesters after the first semester in college without any warning.

A dismissed student is not admitted in any other specialty more than once during the study period at the university.

The study load of the student whose average is less than /2/ is a maximum of /15/ credit hours in the compulsory semesters and /6/ credit hours in the summer semester.

The study load of the student whose average is less than /1/ is a maximum of /12/ in the compulsory semester following the admission.

It is not permitted for the period a student spends in college to be eight years in faculties that require /5/ years of completion and seven years in faculties that require /4/ years of completion.


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