Human Resources Directorate

Duties and Responsibilities:

1.Participates in preparing the strategic plan of the human resources to support the strategic goals of the university, designs the annual plan within the framework of strategies and general goals of the university while ensuring the plan’s flexibility to deal with changes and supports the university’s renewable needs.

2.Direct supervision and follow up of recruitment process including vacancy announcements, interviews, evaluation of applications, hiring and rejection procedures, job offers and appointments.

3.Direct supervision and follow up of resignation procedures including end-of-service interviews, resignation decisions, follow up of receipt and hand over of tasks, custodies and duly quits, social insurance discharge, end-of-service benefits and all relevant legal procedures.

4.Direct supervision of employees’ career path with all vocational setbacks.

5.Contracts with employees, provides necessary information and clarifications and makes important amendments to contracts in accordance with work requirements and regulations.

6.Participates in preparing the rules of procedures of employees and its amendments according to work requirements and regulations, makes it available for all employees, approved by them, and provides clarifications when necessary.

7.Participates in preparing the human resources management procedures in accordance with the law of work and mission and vision of the university.

8.Suggests proposals relevant to the development of the university’s org chart, analyzes and designs jobs, participates in preparing and updating the job description of all entities.

9.Contributes in preparing the general framework of professional behavior at the university, monitors and enhances the job satisfaction, builds trust and credibility with and among employees to create a positive work environment.

10.Provides support and guidance, handles HR related problems for the staff, ensures the secrecy of employee information and preserves them.

11.Prepares individual employee records that contains all personal documents and files and continually update them.

12.Prepares paper and electronic employees’ archives to ensure the preservation and accessibility of data.

13.Employees, applicant data entry, update, and report writing according to work needs, directorates, and scientific departments requirements.

14.Prepares the table of career shifts and financial calculation of salaries, compensations and rewards and any financial payments of employees, supervises their payment while coordinating with the directorate of financial affairs in accordance with the salary scale of the university.

15.Sets motivational policies and programs for the advantages granted for employees and familiarizing them with those advantages, analyzes and estimates the best methods of granting the aforementioned advantages, suggests the appropriate amendments, follows up with the implementing those programs via contracts and bids while coordinating with the relevant directorates.

16.Supervises and follows up of implementing the advantages while coordinating with relevant directorates, supply the staff with their conditions, procedures and perfect implementation.

17.Follows up the legal stages of compensations and suggests suitable proposals to implement them.

18.Participates in supervising following up with the evaluation of employees and implementing it including the quarterly evaluation, evaluation of new employees and employee evaluation of work and its environment.

19.Contribute in:

o Preparing the budget related to training and development.

o Studying the training needs of employees, providing counselling regarding the appropriate training in coordination with the relevant directorates.

o Setting an annual training and development plan for employees according to training needs analysis:

§ Implementing the legal regulations of work, its procedures and system according to effective work regulations in coordination with the legal counsellor of the university.

§ Setting the annual work plan.

§ Participating in planning the annual budget of the directorate.

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